Anita Heiss Answers Juliet’s Awkward Questions! Plus a giveaway!

In this segment, authors will be subjected to a list of awkward questions that may reveal more about themselves than they really wish to share, and they will receive a score on the ‘Braveometer’. If they choose to answer only five questions, they are a ‘Brave Author’, if they answer 6 to 9 questions they are a ‘Mega-Brave Author’, and if they answer all 10 questions they are an ‘Ultra-Brave Author’!

Photography: Amanda James

Today I’d like to welcome the lovely Anita Heiss to the blog!

1. If only one of your books could have been / could be published, which one would you choose? (C’mon, I don’t want to hear ‘Oh, I love them all, there’s no way I could choose.’ Time to be ruthless, these are the Ten Awkward Questions after all!)

Who Am I? the diary of Mary Talence, Sydney 1937. An historical novel about the stolen generations it is probably the most significant work I will ever do in my lifetime.


2. Okay, now which one of your children/family members would you… nah, just kidding! Which of the following words most accurately describes your best personality trait (you must pick only one!):

Punctual. Good listener. Neat.  Graceful. Generous. Cheerful.

I’m cheerful!


3. Which of the following words most accurately describes your worst most challenging personality trait (even if you’re perfect, you must pick one):

Always late. Blabbermouth. Slob. Complete klutz. Scrooge. Grumpy pants.

My lawyer says I am not challenged by any of these.   


4. Have you ever had a romantic crush on one of your characters? Who and why?

Yes, I fell in love with Cash Branigan from Manhattan Dreaming. I remember sitting at my desk one day and bursting into tears because I realised he was my perfect match – strong, hot, capable, romantic, thoughtful, runs a restaurant in New York. What more could a girl like me possibly want?


5. When writing an important scene, do you act it out to allow you to better describe what’s happening?

Yes, especially the sex scenes, they require a lot of acting out.


6. Do you talk to yourself when writing or coming up with plot ideas?

I talk to myself all the time. In terms of my writing though, as I type I say the words out loud and then I read them back to listen for clunkiness.


7. Who would be ideal to play YOU in a movie of your life?

Halle Berry or a younger Angela Bassett.


8. If you could be any book character for one day, who would you be and why?

I’d be my own character Lauren Lucas from Manhattan Dreaming, because even with her flaws she was a great gal AND got to live in NYC for 12 months, eat a lot of cake, shop with the girls, go on dates and work at the fabulous National Museum of the American Indian.


9. You’re about to be left on a deserted island for a year, and while your basic food and water needs will be met, you can only bring one extra thing from the following. Which would you choose?

a) A pen and notepad that never runs out

b) An unlimited supply of books

c) An unlimited supply of chocolate, coffee, or alcohol (your choice)

d) A gorgeous man/woman depending on your preference

For the last twenty years all I’ve had is books, paper, chocolate and booze. I’ll take a bloke to pass the time for the next 12 months!


Thanks for participating, Anita. Your answers gave me a laugh! You have been awarded Mega-Brave Author status on the braveometer!

Visit Anita’s website here.

*To WIN a copy of Anita’s book, MANHATTAN DREAMING, comment below and answer Anita’s question:

Q: ‘I’ve set books in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, New York and Paris. Where else should I set a book and why?’

*Competition open to Australian residents only, and will be drawn on Monday 30th April. Winner will be notified via email and must respond within one week or another winner will be chosen.

About Juliet Madison

Humorous & Heartwarming Fiction ~ Experience the magic of life and love...

Posted on April 23, 2012, in Interviews, Ten Awkward Author Questions and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

  1. Great reads all your books, but where else should set a book: what about good ole England and Norwich seems love is everywhere to be found in Norwich including the lovely old buildings and masterpieces, that’s where you set a book.

  2. Good grief! I laughed at your blog answers, so I’m thinking I might ‘Pirates of Penzance’ reading a whole book! (If you haven’t seen Pretty Woman you might think I’m a nutter of some kind after that last reference.)
    As for a place to set your next novel… Well, here in Coffs Harbour (Gumbaynggirr land) of course! It would require research and I would get to meet you 🙂

  3. Italy. It’s a romantic country. Full of spectacular building, hot and sexy man with sexy accent, gondolas and the food is so delicious. You can choose Venice, Palomo or Rome. My inspiration is Holiday in Rome ( starred by Audrey Hepburn)

  4. Hmmm, New Zealand. Plenty of sexy maori men you could base a character on there. Mind you, there’s a fair few of them up here in Karratha too…

  5. Hi Anita! I loved Cash too! And yes, Lauren really had a wonderful year in NY!
    So where else should you set a book? Hmmm….how about somewhere completely different..Sweden! The cultural contrasts would be amazing to see 🙂
    BTW. I already have Manhattan Dreaming (read it and loved it!), so don’t count me in the competition 🙂

  6. Some great options there for Anita…hmmm, Italy would be nice, and New Zealand too. I would of course have to say the south coast of New South Wales, beautiful place and it would be a good excuse to come for a research visit and ‘do lunch’! 😉

  7. Great answers. I love them all… Maybe I need to do ‘World Dreaming’! 🙂 Of course I’ll be looking for ‘research assistants’ to help me 🙂
    Am looking forward to reading what other ideas come up!

  8. Tumut! With a subplot in Talbingo : )

  9. Hilarious interview!!! Laughed in many, many places and just MUST have Manhatten Dreaming to meet Cash NOW!!! Hmm… I think you should set a book in Mexico, simply because I LOVE the food!!!

  10. Lovely interview and I loved Manhattan Dreaming. Cash was to die for 🙂

    I think you should set a book in Barcelona – gorgeous Spaniards, fantastic architecture and wonderful food!

  11. My Partner is Jamaican. Everybody loves Jamaica even if they have never been there. The Community here goes mad for my partner – some of the ‘grans’ even thinkin’ he IS Bob Marley. I think there is Love, Romance, Excitement and Adventure and Laughs a plenty in Jamaica! Your next book set there would just “kill it” in sales!

  12. Italia of course! So you can bring along your woggy side-kick who will be not only your researcher but interpretor …. and you know in Italy they are NUTS about Bold & Beautiful, it’s only titled BEAUTIFUL over there 😎

  13. Congrats to Leonie and Ele who have both won a copy of Anita’s book! I have emailed you 🙂

  14. And thanks for being part of the process everyone!

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